Strategic Plan
The Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) was established in 2008 to contribute and address the existing capacity gaps in economic policy analysis in Rwanda. EPRN has mainly relied on World Bank, UNECA, and GIZ for funding, despite having a network of more than 1600 members.
Through this plan, EPRN has redefined its vision “To become an international leader in economic policy research and analysis” as well as its mission and core values to accurately position the network in its pivotal role of leading economic policy analysis in the country. The plan also lays out strategies to achieve financial sustainability.
To achieve the revised vision, EPRN Strategic Business Plan 2019-2024 will pursue the following strategic goals :
• To be the primary source of economic policy research in Rwanda ;
• To support better policy making ;
• To build its members and clients capacity ; and
• To strengthen the institutional capacity and sustainability of the network.
The Strategic Business Plan 2019-2024 was compiled by the Executive Committee in conjunction with the members. An inception report was prepared and presented to the EC. A strategic business outline was presented and discussed during the EC retreat on 26-27 October 2018. Members and key stakeholders were interviewed. A draft Strategic Plan was presented to the EC, Research committee and other senior members. Comments from the draft were incorporated in the document to prepare a final draft which was presented to the EC for approval.
The formulation of the strategies has been organized to ensure the application of the Results-Based Management (RBM) framework. EPRN will pursue 4 main goals to achieve its vision and mission. To achieve the goals, SMART objectives which are measurable will be pursued. The objectives will further be implemented through activities or tactics which will be a tool to compile annual action plans and budgets. It will serve as a tool which will assist in constantly evaluating the extent to which our resources are allocated in regard to the fulfilment of our mission.
EPRN envisions undertaking commissioned research and short term training modules that will generate revenue towards its sustainability. This will be carried out through EPRN as NGO or where necessary through its business arm/company (EPRN Consult Ltd). In addition, EPRN members will be offered benefitial services in exchange for regular payment of their annual membership fee. Benefits will include premium publications which will attract advertising revenues. To this end, this plan includes a comprehensive Marketing Plan to drive the business aspect of the network.
To achieve the above, EPRN will restructure its Governance structure to be able to competently implement the plan. An elaborated financial plan has been included to guide compilation of annual work plans and subsequently performance review. The plan has also included a monitoring and evaluation plan to track its timely implementation.
In conclusion, the Strategic Business Plan 2019-2024 shows revenue generation and spending related to strategic areas and indicates the success factors to attain financial sustainability.