Executive Leadership Training to Staff of Oxfam Rwanda

Dates : 8th and 15th November 2021
Venue : Grand Legacy Hotel, Kigali Rwanda
On 8th and 15th November 2021 at Grand Legacy Hotel, the Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) delivered a professional training on Leadership to staff of the Oxfam Rwanda. The training was delivered by Mr. Oscar Kimanuka, one of EPRN trainers.
The following are the sub-topics on Executive Leadership.
• Transformational Leadership ;
• Servant Leadership ;
• Authentic Leadership ;
• Team Leadership ;
• Psychodynamic approach to Leadership ;
• Women and Leadership,
• Leadership Ethics.
Presentations were made on understanding an organization and the role it plays in leadership development. Exercises were also given to aid understanding of leadership and with the objective to learn more about the following :
• Leadership style that identifies a positive needed change by creating a vision that takes into consideration views of others through inspiration to a common goal ;
• The process where leaders and those being led are ready to accept positive change for the betterment of the organization and where both leaders and followers understand the goals they want to achieve ;
• Leadership that seeks to bring lasting positive change through role modeling, involvement and motivation to the rest of the team.
At the end of every session, the participants and trainer reviewed what had been discussed. In addition, the trainer measured the progress of the training by conducted periodical evaluation. The trainer used the outcome of the evaluation to find out if the objectives of the training were being achieved.
Presentations were made on leadership challenges and importance of leadership especially in development. Different roles leaders play was another discussion point that came up. This was particularly so with the examples given of world leaders who have demonstrated spirit of selflessness by putting their interests second and group interests first.
Prepared by :
Events and Training Manager