Terms of Reference-National co-teacher for MINECOFIN Young Economist Programme (YEP) on Macroeconomic Projection and Macro-Econometric Modeling
Submission deadline : 10/12/2020, 10am
1. Background of the Young Economist Programme
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) aims to strengthen individual and institutional capacities within the ministry for macroeconomic projections & analysis and investment planning & monitoring, notably in the Chief Economist (CE) and National Development Planning, Research (NDPR) and National Budget departments.
As part of capacity building supported by GIZ with assistance of EPRN, MINECOFIN offers an annual Young Economist Programme (YEP), a six-months internship and training programme for university graduates interested in economic policy analysis & planning positions in government, with 10-17 participants each year. In addition to on-the-job assignments, training and mentoring, the YEP provides a number of intensive one-week courses in quantitative methods for economic analysis, analytical & planning tools and processes used in ministries, and other skills like use of statistical software (Excel, Eviews, Stata), structured English writing, and oral presentations.
Against this backdrop, EPRN is recruiting one national co-teacher/tutor for the fifth Young Economist Programme (YEP5) for macroeconomic projection and macro-econometric modeling training, and for tutorial sessions for macroeconomics forecasting analysis.
2. Objective of the assignment
The co-teacher/tutor will contribute to the delivery of intensive YEP courses taught by international expert (s) and for tutorial sessions as follows :
(a) Macroeconomic projection and Macro-econometric modeling and estimation with applications to Rwanda (using Eviews), one week around mid-February 2020
(b) Assisting and supervising the Friday tutorial sessions on Macroecometric forecasting (using Eviews) between December 2020 and February 2021.
The co-teaching/tutoring assignment will offer the opportunity to Rwandan junior economic professionals to be part of a team of international experts in delivering tailor-made hands-on training in economic tools to future practitioners in government. He/ She will participate in the preparation and delivery of the five-day course, requiring close cooperation and consultation with the international experts and presence during a large part of the 5 days and also assisting the Friday tutorial sessions planned between December 2020 and February 2021 on Macro Econometric Forecasting, in particular :
(a) Contributing to design of course material, especially with Rwandan applications and data
(b) Teaching part of the course curriculum
(c) Tutoring and providing hands-on training to students in practical exercises and software use.
3. Course Content
The courses cover the following topics (part of which would be presented by the co-teachers) :
Macroeconomic projection and macro-econometric modeling (with applications for Rwanda, using National Accounts, E-views) :
• Data sourcing, retrieving handling, storage ; descriptive statistics : trends, filters
• ST now/forecasting methods : leading indicators ; bridge equations and sector equations
• Time-series analysis (univariate and VAR) ; use in forecasting
• Refreshment on econometrics : regression ; simultaneous estimation methods
• Short- and medium-term macro-econometric models and estimation : single equation models ; structural models ; business cycle models
• Choice of macro-econometric models versus other modeling tools for policy analysis (CGE and DSGE)
4. Profile of co-teacher/tutor
• PhD or Master’s degree in Economics or Master’s in Statistics
• 2-3 years of experience in applied economics and quantitative methods, including demonstrated experience with the relevant course subject matter
• Having produced at least one substantial research paper and/or one consultancy report
• Experience in teaching in English language at post-secondary/ professional level
• Capacity and willingness to absorb quickly new quantitative methodological literature, including existing applications for Rwanda.
5. Offers, pricing
The consultancy contract will be awarded following an expression of interest. The number of days allocated are 7, including preparation and in-course participation.
6. Application Process
Interested candidates are requested to submit a Motivation Letter to EPRN, Detailed CV, Certificates of completion to prove relevant experience and Financial offer (by indicating daily rates including taxes) at EPRN office located at UR-CBE Gikondo (ex SFB) by not later than 10/12/2020, 10am local time. Applications may also be sent through EPRN PO Box : 7375 Kigali-Rwanda until 10/12/2020, 9am OR emailed to : info@eprnrwanda.org (please send all documents in PDF format and indicate “Co-teacher-YEP 5” in the email subject) by not later than 10/12/2020, 10am local time.
Kigali, 04/12/2020
Seth Kwizera
Executive Director