1. Background
The scope for evidence-based policy making in Rwanda is constrained by limited capacity in policy analysis and research. The well-qualified researchers and policy analysts in Rwanda, are spread too thinly across different institutions. To address this gap, a number of organizations came together to establish the Economic Policy Research Network, aiming at building a community of economic policy practitioners. EPRN aims to build a pool of researchers and policy analysts in Rwanda to contribute to policy research to learn with an aim of poverty reduction. Because EPRN believes in the motivation, creativity and ambition of university students, one of its aims is to empower students to shape their own education. EPRN therefore calls for abstract submissions and registration of debate groups for the 3rd Students’ Annual Conference scheduled in October 2019.
2. Objectives :
a. Strengthening students capacities to actively conduct economic policy research and analysis to inform economic policy making in Rwanda
b. Ensuring active involvement of students in EPRN research projects
c. Undertaking research projects for students and the dissemination of findings
d. Debate on most economic pressing issues
3. Competition category
a. Research abstracts : this is for individual student
b. Debate competition : this is for groups made of 3 persons. Groups with female candidates and/or people with disability are highly encouraged to apply/register.
4. Theme and sub-topics
Theme : “Role of youth in Establishing Rwanda as a Globally Competitive Knowledge-based Economy”.
The abstracts should be under the following sub-topics :
- Thriving skills ecosystem for attracting and nurturing local and international talent around the Kigali Innovation City (KIC) model.
- Critical analysis of the Innovation Fund (benchmarking and lessons learnt from other counties)
- Role of youth in Implementing the national digital literacy program
- Assessment of local contents and facilitation to citizens (including people with disabilities) to access digital devices that will enable them use online services.
- Role of Centers of Excellence with a focus on science, technology and innovation. How to reinforce partnership with these sectors to build skills with practical application in : health, education, industry, cyber security among others.
- How should research and development in the area of technology for industrial development be fast-tracked to contribute to Rwanda’s economic transformation
- Evaluating quality services and customer care across public and private sectors
5. Applications Guidelines
For Research abstracts :
a. A student is allowed to submit only one abstract
b. The Abstract will not be considered if it was submitted/ Presented anywhere else before
c. Abstracts should be submitted in English
d. Applicants must be students of a higher learning institution during the submission period
e. Abstracts should not be more than 2 pages
Submit your abstract through e-mail : OR call 0788357648/ 0785241243. Mention your names, University, Contacts and the sub topic under which falls your abstract.
For Debate competition :
Groups are invited to apply/register sending an e-mail to : OR call 0788357648/ 0785241243. Mention the name of the Group, University, and names of members.
6. Debate format :
- Word school debate format
7. Awards Criteria :
A judging panel will be established to evaluate and rank applicants against a number of awards. The best abstracts will be selected and will be trained and supervised to write good quality papers around the mentioned theme. The best papers out of the abstracts will be selected and awarded with cash prizes. And the decision of the panel of judges is final.
8. Deadlines
- Submit your abstract by : 6th July 2019, 11:59 Pm GMT+2
- Register your group by : 6th September 2019, 11:59 Pm GMT+2
9. Who is allowed to compete ?
This competition on only open to undergraduate students’ members of EPRN.
10. Awards :
Debate competition
a. Winner : 500,000 Rwf
b. 1st Runner-up : 200,000 Rwf
c. 2nd Runner-Up : 100,000 Rwf
Paper writing Competition
a. Winner : 300,000 Rwf
b. 1st Runner-up : 100,000 Rwf
c. 2nd Runner-up : 50,000 Rwf
11. Do you need further clarifications ?
Get more info from your Students Chapter in the specific campus. Or write to us : Or call 0788357648/ 0785241243. You may also visit our office at CBE Gikondo or visit our website : or our social media accounts for important updates and more information.
Done at Kigali, 16/05/2019.
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