EPRN Consult Co Ltd _ Capacity Building Profile
1. Introduction
EPRN Consult Co Ltd is a subsidiary company of the Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) Rwanda, a non-governmental organization (NGO). The EPRN Consult Co Ltd was officially registered at Rwanda Development Board (Registration Company Code No.107900371 and Serial No.440788) in October 2018 with the aim of undertaking commissioned research and capacity building consultancies as business for profit. The EPRN Consult Co. Ltd draws human resource experts from the Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) which is a membership- based NGO registered with the Rwanda Governance Board (Registration No 240/RGB/NGO/2017) that was established in 2008.
The key mandate of EPRN Consult Co Ltd includes :
• Enhancing capacity of development experts and development institutions.
• Undertaking research initiatives which increasingly inform policy making.
2. Our services
EPRN Consult Co Ltd envisions an environment where policy makers, senior managers, practioners, development institutions, private sector players and other stakeholders have the knowledge, tools and capacity to improve performance, service delivery and ensure sustainability.
EPRN Consult Co Ltd operates with experienced trainers to deliver commissioned assignments from both public and private sectors. The trainers are drawn from the EPRN NGO membership of more than 1,600 members and affiliates with high level qualifications in respective disciplines. EPRN consult Ltd has a well-established infrastructure capacity with a fully equipped office, a resource centre, conference facility for training, library and incubation centre, based at the University of Rwanda (School of Business and Finance).
The Company offers customized professional support and solutions to public and private institutions in form of research services, organization development, organization capacity assessments, strategic planning, project and programme evaluations, financial management services, social inclusion, change management and organization re-engineering, trainings, coaching, mentoring and advisory services in policy reviews and formulation guidance in different sectors.
EPRN Consult Co Ltd has competent experts to undertake needs assessment, develop curriculum and deliver trainings in diversified sectors that include economics, management courses, leadership related courses, impacts assessments, Statistical software like STATA, Eviews, R, Python, SPSS, Mat lab, etc ;
3. Our Networks
EPRN Consult Ltd has collaborative agreements with academic institutions, research institutes, NGO’s and government agencies. EPRN works with the University of Rwanda to research on different policy issues. The company has working relations with Ministry of Economic Planning and Finance (MINECOFIN), National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) and the National Institute of Statistics Rwanda (NISR). The company also has long time collaboration with economic policy research institutes in the East African region which include the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), The Public Policy Institute (PPI) of Uganda and the Economic and Social Research Foundation of Tanzania. EPRN has been in long term partnership with the GIZ, World Bank and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
Specifically, as regards to training services, EPRN has Memorandum of understanding with various institutions like the Rwanda Management Institute (RMI), Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR), Rwanda Institute of Cooperative, Entrepreneurship and Microfinance (RICEM) and University of Rwanda.
4. Our quality assurance system
EPRN Consult Co Ltd has a research and training committee that provides guidance and framework for research and training assignments. The committee is oversees efficient and effective delivery of assignment to clients. The company has standard operating procedures and internal controls on service delivery to clients.
5. Our Technical Capabilities
EPRN Consult Co Ltd strength lies in its ability to provide cutting edge research and training methodologies based on participatory approaches with entrenched ethical culture that is the use of sound techniques to identify and assess issues of critical relevance to our clients ensuring that we deliver value for money to any engagements we are entrusted with. EPRN Consult Ltd as a firm is dedicated to professionalism and quality while focusing on client satisfaction’s as a priority.
6. Selected institutions trained by EPRN in the nearest past
Name and contact of the Client | Description of assignment | Period |
Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) Contact person : Mukantwali, Christine Tel:0788445328 E-mail : Christine.Mukantwali@fao.org | Food Systems Analysis including producing georeferenced maps with GIS in Rulindo District | 2021 |
Alice U. Anukur Country Director Oxfam Rwanda Country Office Mobile :+250788302137 Email : AAnukur@oxfam.org.uk | Assessment of aggregators study in horticulture value chains in Rwanda | 2021 |
NGENDANDUMWE J. Claude Executive Secretary Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d’Appui aux Initiatives de Base (CCOAIB) E-mail : ccoaibr@gmail.com Tél.(+250) (0) 788302065 | Research on “Valuing and integrating women farmers’ knowledge and views on agricultural practices and food systems into agricultural policy development and implementation”. | 2020 |
Daniel Mugunga Matabaro Director Gahini Rehabilitation Center E-mail : d.mugunga@grcrwanda.org Tel : +250788309921 | Final Project Evaluation for Improvement of Health Services for People With Disabilities In Rwanda | 2020 |
Betty MUTESI, Country Director International Alert Rwanda E-mail : Rwanda@international-alert.org | Analysis of community- based practices to address food security shocks : A case study in 7 targeted districts | 2020 |
Nina Harder Programme Coordinator, Oxfam Germany Programme, Email : nharder@oxfam.de | End of Project evaluation of “Strengthening of Climate Resilience & Food Security of Smallholders in Nyagatare, Nyamagabe & Muhanga Districts, Rwanda” for DUTERIMBERE | 2020 |
Mr. Shoichi Iwata Sub-chief Advisor of the Project for JICA ICT Innovation Ecosystem Strengthening Japan International Cooperation Agency P.O. Box 6878 Kacyiru, Kigali-Rwanda Tel : +250 (0) 788301731/32/23 | Consultancy services in Policy Analysis and Formulation with a focus on Research and Data Analysis to support staff of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication and Innovation | 2020 |
Oliver Dalichau Resident Representative Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Rwanda Mbl. : +250 784 842 824 E-Mail : oliver.dalichau@fes-rwanda.org | Training of Journalists reporting on Business related news about regional integration, Trade, international economics, etc. | 2019 |
Alice U. Anukur Country Director Oxfam Rwanda Country Office Mobile :+250788302137 Email : AAnukur@oxfam.org.uk | End-line Evaluation of Oxfam in Rwanda Five Year Strategy (2015 – 2020). | 2019 |
Mugarura Jean Baptiste National Director Youth for Christ/Rwanda Email : yfcrwansa@gmail.com Tel : +250725383083 | Training of staff of the YFC/Rwanda in Project Management for Donor funded projects | 2019 |
Dr Jan Misch Program advisor, GIZ Rwanda GIZ-MIP Program Email : jan.miksch@giz.de Tel : +250784446543 | Facilitating the study/analysis of EICV4 for income distribution module, for GIZ program ‘macroeconomic advice for poverty reduction’. | 2019 |
Lauric NGOUEMBE Inspection Générale des Finances Ministre des Finances et du Budget Email : contact@finances.gouv.cg BP : 2083 Brazzaville-Congo | Professional Training to a team of six experts from the Ministry of Finance and Budget of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville attended a professional training about “Financial Programming : Methods and Application”. | 2019 |
Dr Jan Miksch Program advisor, GIZ Rwanda GIZ-MIP Program Email : jan.miksch@giz.de Tel : +25078444654 | Facilitating Training Sessions to Young Economists Program (YEP) under financing of the GIZ Rwanda. Trained courses included : data analysis, cost benefit analysis, feasibility studies, financial modeling, etc. | 2018,2019,2020 |
Theophile Nzabahimana Country Director The Gallagher Trust/Tubiteho E-mail : theophilegallagber@gmail.com Te:078350260 | Training in Management of Donor-funded projects (project design including Business plan development, project implementation, project monitoring and evaluation and reporting) | 2018-2019 |
Prof Kigabo Thomas Chief Economist, Rwanda Central Bank Study for BNR and MINECOFIN through GIZ Tel : +250788303633 e-mail : tkigabo@bnr.rw | Consultancy on conducting studies about Rwanda’s Financial Sector and Capital Market as a source of Finance for Economic Growth. | 2018 |
Hande Güneykaya Akpınar Project Manager EQUINOCIO SL, under European Union contract, Calle Núñez de Balboa, 114 – 3º ofic. 19.28006 Madrid (España). E-mail : hakpinar@equinoccio.eu Mobile : +90-5336836866 | Satisfaction survey on cross border trade at Rusizi II (Rwanda) and Bukavu (DRC)
Time survey on cross border trade at Rusizi II (Rwanda) and Bukavu (DRC) Traffic survey on cross border trade at Rusizi II (Rwanda) and Bukavu (DRC) Cost Survey on cross border trade at Rusizi II (Rwanda) and Bukavu (DRC) |
2018 |
Dr Jan Miksch Program advisor, GIZ Rwanda GIZ-MIP Program Email : jan.miksch@giz.de Tel : +250784446543 | Needs assessment of the capacity gaps at individual and institutional level for economic policy analysis and research in Rwanda | 2015 |
Mr Seth Kwizera
Managing Director
EPRN Consult Co Ltd