Concept Note
Theme : Rethinking effective policies towards inclusive, sustainable and resilient development in Rwanda
1. Introduction
Through its Vision 2050, Rwanda aspires to become an upper-middle income country by 2035, and a high-income country by 2050. Specifically, this means that the GDP per capita will be over USD 4,036 by 2035 and over USD 12,476 by 2050. Rwanda will build on the strong progress made in reducing poverty over the last two decades, reducing the poverty rate from 78% after 1994 to 38% in 2017, with the aim of eliminating poverty altogether. This will also be achieved through ensuring all walks of society have increased opportunities to contribute to national development, including by growing investments in human capital and ensuring universal access to amenities, safety and security. All youth, women, men, people with disabilities and elderly people will contribute as actors of sustainable development, ensuring that no one is left behind in benefiting from development. Vision 2050 is informed by the aspiration of Rwandans of leaving to Rwandan children a better world to live in.
As such, growth and development will follow a sustainable path in terms of use and management of natural resources while building resilience to cope with natural, economic, political and climate related shocks. Rwanda targets to become a green, climate resilient and low carbon economy by 2050. These aspirations will continue to be embedded in Rwanda’s long term Green Growth and Climate Resilient Strategy (GGCRS) whose impact is intended to bring about mind-set and developmental transformation in Rwandan society that is necessary to achieve the desired carbon-neutral and climate resilient economy. Efficient use of land across sectors will be guided by the National Land Use and Development Master Plan (2020-2050).
To achieve the Vision’s targets, Rwanda needs to transform the structure of its economy to respond to current challenges imposed by technological progress and climate change. Furthermore, Rwanda has to overcome the limits of its small domestic market and landlocked position and find its place in global and regional value chains.
2. About the 10th Economic Research Conference
The Economic Policy Research Network and partners are organizing a 10th Economic Research Conference under the following theme : “Reimagining effective policies towards inclusive, sustainable and resilient development in Rwanda”.
This main theme is subdivided into the following sub-themes to which Research Papers and panel discussions sessions will be aligned :
a. Enhancing resilience of economies in this era of socio- economic shocks
b. Efficient tax policy and tax administration for inclusive and sustainable development
c. Enhancing human capital development in Rwanda, challenges and opportunities
d. Policy Options to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security in Africa
This high-level and interactive 2-day research conference is expected to bring together more than 200 participants, including researchers, senior policymakers, representatives of the development partners, civil society, private sector and the media. During the conference, research papers and reports related to conference sub-themes will be presented and discussed. Policy recommendations will be formulated and shared with concerned institutors as a contribution towards boosting Rwanda’s economic resilience during the current socio- economic shocks.
3. Venue, Dates and Logistics
The 10th Research Conference is scheduled on 27th-28th June 2024 at Lemigo Hotel Kigali Rwanda. Lunches will be served to all participants at the conference venue.
4. Partners
EPRN collaborates with partners to jointly organize the Conferences and policy dialogues. Partners provide technical and financial support, and they get the opportunity to present their reports or papers relevant to the Conference. Partners for this 10th Conference are : The International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD), The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), AKADEMIYA2063 and UNICEF.
5. Contacts
For more information, contact us through : or OR Phone number : +250788305142 or +250788357648 . You may also visit our website :
Mr. Seth KWIZERA Prof. Charles RURANGA
Executive Director President of the Board of Directors