Monday 14/12/2020, 9AM
Venue : online through MS Teams

The Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) is pleased to invite you to an Extraordinary General Assembly scheduled on Monday 14/12/2020, 9AM. The meeting will be held online through MS Teams. EPRN will send a link to your email, one day before the meeting. The General Assembly is provided for by the Statutes and is supposed to convene all active members.

Agenda items are the following :

1. Narrative Activity Report showing implemented activities in 2020 ; and key planned activities for 2021.
2. Training Catalogue and calendar for 2021 and changes in training fees
3. Review membership status and Renewal
4. AOB.

EPRN Rwanda takes these opportunities to thank you for your continued contribution to the development of economic policy research and analysis in Rwanda.