External Project Evaluation : Strengthening of climate resilience and food security of smallholders in the districts Nyagatare, Nyamagabe and Muhanga.
“Strengthening Climate Resilience and Food Security (SCR&FS) in the Districts of Nyagatare, Nyamagabe and Muhanga” was a three-year project funded by Oxfam Germany and the BMZ and implemented by Duterimbere ONG and partners between August 2016 and April 2020. The total project funding was Euros 465,449. The overall project goal was to contribute to enhance climate resilience and food security of small-scale farmers sectors namely : Nyagatare and Rukomo in Nyagatare district ; Gasaka and Cyanika in Nyamagabe district ; and Nyarusange and Cyeza in Muhanga. The project targeted 720 direct beneficiaries of whom 420 were from six cooperatives and 300 from individual households within the seven sectors. The project was oriented towards improving the quality and quantity of horticultural production through improved sustainable production methods ; sustaining annual horticultural production using appropriate climate adaption measures, and increasing the number of economically empowered women entrepreneurs through enhanced and comprehensive gender relations.
The key activities of the project were training in modern agricultural methods including soil conservation ; training in entrepreneurship, gender action learning system (GALS), and voluntary saving group method among others. The project also constructed six water ponds (for the cooperatives) and 60 water tanks (for the households) for irrigation purposes.
This Final External Project Evaluation report presents data dating between February 2016 and February 2020 with actual field data collection undertaken in February 2020.
The final evaluation was characterized by a participatory process that enabled the participation of women, men, youth and marginalized groups, taking into account gender equity and cultural differences. All collected data have been disaggregated by gender and are sensitive to gender justice. This assignment ensured broad participation of all main stakeholders (target groups, project team, government officials).
The final report, which is exclusively a property of Oxfam Rwanda.