1. Vision and Mission

The Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) is a member-based Research and Training Institution formally registered in 2018. EPRN is a Non-Governmental Organization registered with the Rwanda Governance Board (Registration No 403/RGB/NGO/LP/2018).
• Vision : “To become an international leader in economic policy research and analysis”.
• Mission : “To contribute to the evidence based economic policy making by providing high quality research, building capacity and creating networking opportunities”..

2. Services

Key services of the EPRN Rwanda are categorised into the following pillars : (a) research and consultancies, (b) prepare and deliver professional trainings, (c) research mentorship and publication support, (c) networking (we are a pool of experts in various areas) ; and (d) organise networking events.

3. Networks

EPRN Rwanda is a network of experts in socio-economic fields. Members are mostly individual researchers and analysts ; and institutions.

EPRN Rwanda has working relationships with Universities like University of Rwanda, University of Kigali, Mount Kenya University, Kiel University in Germany, etc. ; Government institutions like the Ministry of Economic Planning and Finance, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, National Bank of Rwanda, the National Institute of Statistics Rwanda, Rwanda Management Institute, etc. ; and Development partners like the Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, etc. to research on policy issues, conduct capacity building activities and organise policy debates.

4. Quality assurance system

EPRN Rwanda has a research and consultancy quality committee that provides guidance and framework for research and consultancy services. The committee oversees efficient and effective delivery of assignment to clients. To ensure that quality services are delivered to clients, EPRN applies the standard operating procedures and internal controls checks on processes and outputs of the consultants.

5. Previous relevant consultancy experience by EPRN

EPRN has built a strong reputation in research, projects’ evaluation (baseline, mid-terms and end-line), capacity building consultancies, advocacy, organization of networking events, etc.

EPRN draws its combined experience from strong force of up to 1,600 experts/affiliated members in various professional fields, having conducted various assignments both with the institution and individually. Some of the key institutions served by our experts in the recent past are summarized in the table below :