Professional Training : “Advanced SPSS for statistical analysis”

Date : 28-31 May 2019 (5H30PM – 8H30PM) EVENING PROGRAM
Trainer : Mr. David Ngirimana (Expert in SPSS)

Call for application for a Professional Training : “Advanced SPSS for statistical analysis”

1. Introduction

In everyday analysis researchers encounter categorical variables (eg. Marital status, gender, income groups, district of residence, age groups, occupation, area of residence, to name but a few). This training will demonstrate how to deal with these type of variables using SPSS software. The emphasis will be put on transforming these variables and analyzing relationships among them using regression techniques, in order to inform policy making and evaluation. The training will be practical ; participants will work on datasets from household surveys, namely EICV (Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey) and DHS (Demographic and Health Survey).

2. Training Content

This is an “advanced SPSS Training Level” and shall cover the following :

a. Levels of measurement of variables, a refreshment
b. Creating dummy variables for regression analysis
c. OLS with categorical regressors
d. Ordinal regression
e. Binary logistic regression
f. Multinomial logistic regression
g. Probit regression

4. Training methods

The training course will be run in a workshop style with a high degree of participant involvement. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive. Debate and discussion will be encouraged. The trainer will use a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts and practical exercises using SPSS. The participants are advised to bring their laptops.

5. Certificate

EPRN will issue completion certificates to participants who successfully attended the course and pass the course test.

Note : At the end of the course, the trainer will deliver a test, and ONLY participants to pass the course with at least 60% will get the certificate. Others will be advised to wait until another training opportunity for the same course (free of charge).

6. Training Fees

  • Members : 20,000 Rwf
  • Non-members : 100,000 Rwf. (discount : for 2 trainees from one institution : each pays 70,000 Rwf ; from 3 trainees coming from one institution, each pays 50,000 Rwf).

7. Application process

Interested applicants are encouraged to pay the registration fees through the following bank details : Bank Account : 00040 06945750 07 RWF (Bank of Kigali). Title of the Account : Economic Policy Research Network
Scan the bank slip and send it to : and copy to : OR bring the hard copy of bank slip to EPRN office located at University of Rwanda Headquarters-CBE Gikondo (former SFB).
NB : Applicants must have basic skills about SPSS. Participants are required to bring their laptops. SPSS Training software will be delivered on training day.
If you need further clarifications, call us through : 0788357648 or write to us :

Kwizera Seth
EPRN Coordinator