Time series data analysis and forecasting using E-views software

02nd - 05th April 2019 (5am – 08:30pm)
Venue : UR /CBE Gikondo (former SFB)

Call for application for a Professional Training :
“Time series data analysis and forecasting using E-views software”

Date : 02nd - 05th April 2019 (5am – 08:30pm)
Venue : University of Rwanda /CBE Gikondo (former SFB)
Trainer : Dr. Olivier HABIMANA

1. Introduction

This two days training program course aims at strengthening skills of participants in macroeconomic modelling, forecasting and policy scenario analysis. Quantitative methods and predictive modelling concepts could be extensively used in studying tests and effects. The course picks theoretical and practical datasets for econometrics/quantitative/predictive analysis. Implementations are done using Eviews software. Observations, interpretations, predictions and conclusions are explained then and there on the examples as we proceed through the training.
Eviews is a popular software for estimating and simulating forecasting models that has become a standard in central banks and academic institutions worldwide.
This course is tailored for people who are interested in developing economic models for scenario analysis and forecasts used in the design and implementation of macroeconomic policy. Professionals involved in producing and/or interpreting macroeconomic forecasts may also find the course useful.

2. Training Content
The course shall cover the following :

  • Properties of Time Series Data and Model Design ;
  • Specification and the use of Models ;
  • Evaluation of models
  • Forecast macroeconomic variables for Policy Analysis

3. Outcomes

After the training, participants are expected to be able to :

  • Understand advanced use of features of E-Views
  • Answering economic problems with statistical tools
  • Perform simple linear regression
  • Validate the assumptions of statistical methods
  • Set up and interpret time series models in E-Views

4. Training methods

The training course will be run in a workshop style with a high degree of participant involvement. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive. Debate and discussion will be encouraged. The trainer will use a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts and practical exercises using E-views. The participants are advised to bring their laptops.

5. Certificate

EPRN will issue completion certificates to participants who successfully attended the course and pass the course test.

Note : At the end of the course, the trainer will deliver a test, and ONLY participants to pass the course with at least 60% will get the certificate. Others will be advised to wait until another training opportunity for the same course (free of charge).

6. Training Fees

  • Members : 20,000 Rwf
  • Non-members : 100,000 Rwf (80,000Rwf for those who will be able to pay 7 days before training date).

7. Application process

Interested applicants are encouraged to pay the registration fees through the following bank details :
-* Bank Account : 00040 06945750 07 RWF (Bank of Kigali)
-* Title of the Account : Economic Policy Research Network

Scan the bank slip and send it to : info@eprnrwanda.org and copy to : coordinator@eprnrwanda.org OR bring the hard copy of bank slip to EPRN office located at University of Rwanda Headquarters-CBE Gikondo (former SFB).

NB : Applicants are required to bring their laptops. EPRN will provide lunch to participants.

If you need further clarifications, call us through : 0788357648 or write to us : info@eprnrwanda.org